Perceived Value

Plain and simple: people tend to want what they cannot have! When things are hard to obtain, they seem more valuable! One example is collector's items. The more rare something is, the more people think it is worth. It's called "perceived value."
It really starts on the inside. If you value yourself, it will show, and others will value you more, too. If you value yourself, you will be focused on your own goals and activities - and less focused every waking minute on some guy. A lot of girls I know spend enormous amounts of time in thinking about a guy in their life, and not in adding value to their own lives by learning and growing. If you spend all your time reading women's magazines, watching TV, or gabbing with the girls, you're on a fast track to becoming one boring, boring person.
It's not about being self-absorbed or selfish - it's really about self-respect. The greatest gift you have is YOU. What you do with this gift will affect not only you, but literally thousands of people. Whether you believe it or not, you are important. People know you and are aware of you - your presence is known. Your image is out there. You are somebody - right now.
Hi there,
good work
ur r right when things r not in ur reach they appera more valuabel
sometimes i feel we dont even have the sense of a fox who decides that grapes r sour when it cant reach them but but we r humans and its difficult to control ones feelings.
well i have always been a true believer of the Sanskrit verse which means a world to me.."Tat Tvam Asi", you are what you perceive your are, it took me a good while to understand this, well its not that I have understood it fully, but I know I am what I am.. I will be what I want to be… like you said its all about respecting your self your values your ideals and living up to them and the world will live up to you…
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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